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We will lead the future with excellent technology.

Sustainable Management

Change Starts
With Small Steps.

  • Value

    We Care About
    The World And The Planet.

    EUNSUNG POWERTECH operates under
    a green management philosophy that
    honors humanity and nature.
    We are dedicated to preserving life and
    the environment of our planet.
    We work to deliver eco-friendly value
    to our customers and collaborate
    towards a sustainable future.

  • Social

    Advancing With
    Social Responsibility.

    EUNSUNG POWERTECH embraces its
    social responsibilities to improve
    the quality of life for all.
    We share value and resources with society,
    always thinking about the future and
    striving for public welfare.

  • Responsibility

    Practicing Responsible Management
    For Sustainable Growth.

    EUNSUNG POWERTECH is dedicated to
    maintaining compliance and management principles
    and focusing on building a transparent and
    ethical corporate culture.
    We embrace responsible management and
    work closely with customers, partners, and
    all stakeholders to support sustainable
    business practices.

What is ESG Management?

"ESG" refers to non-financial factors: Environment, Social, and Governance.
ESG management focuses on sustainable development by promoting eco-friendly, socially responsible,
and transparent practices with a long-term perspective.
When making investment decisions, companies' financial factors are evaluated alongside considerations
like "Socially Responsible Investment" (SRI) or "Sustainable Investment."
Socially responsible investment involves supporting companies that align with social and ethical values.
Unlike traditional methods that prioritize financial performance alone, this approach assesses companies
by integrating non-financial factors such as ESG (Environment, Social, Governance),
which impact long-term corporate value and sustainability.
Incorporating a company's ESG performance into investment decisions aims to deliver long-term returns
for investors while encouraging corporate practices that benefit society.