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BIPV (Building-Integrated Photovoltaic) System

BIPV refers to solar power systems where photovoltaic modules are integrated directly into the building's structure, such as on exterior walls, windows, or roofs, instead of being added as a separate system on the roof. This approach generates electricity while enhancing the building's aesthetic value, serving as a power source and architectural material. (A similar system, BAPV, refers to the installation of solar modules on the external walls of a building to generate electricity.)

Solar Power
+ Architectural
Wall Facades Solar modules used as exterior materials on building walls
*Curtain Walls Solar modules applied to curtain wall window sections
Windows Window Frames Solar modules applied to building window sections
Shading Solar modules applied to shading devices attached to windows
Ceiling Building Ceiling Solar modules applied to upper ceilings
Canopy Provides shading and rain protection while generating solar power
Curtain Walls : A non-structural, load-bearing exterior cladding method that surrounds the building's outer walls, providing a lightweight, modern, and economical facade construction approach.

BIPV / BAPV Camparison

Category BIPV BAPV
Key Concept Integration with building exterior (walls) Added as an external component to the building
Substitutability Replaces conventional building components Does not replace traditional building components
Application New buildings, existing buildings Existing buildings
Functionality Serves as both building exterior material and power generation No additional function
Installation Components Windows/glazing, Facades, Roofs, Spandrel,
Atrium glass, Skylights, Shading, Curtain Walls
Rooftop PV panels, Internal Blinds, External Shading,
Non load bearing wall panels
Installation Stage Collaborative from the early architectural design stage, applied after or during construction Applied after completion of the building components
Aesthetic Value Adds aesthetic value through architectural continuity, enhancing the building's exterior and creating visual effects -