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Government Support Programs for Solar Power

These programs, conducted by the government, local governments, and the Korea Energy Agency, aim to promote the distribution of renewable energy, particularly solar power. They offer partial funding to help cover installation costs.

Mini Solar Power Support Program

This program provides partial funding for installing mini solar power systems through local governments (Busan City, Gimhae City). Support applications must be submitted to designated companies, and the program proceeds once applications are received.

Eligibility Households in multi-family housing within the local government area, where the owner of each household wishes to install a mini solar power system.
Supported Equipment Mini solar power system of 500W or less per household. ※ 1 unit per household
Support Amount The program covers 85% of the installation cost. ※ The remaining cost must be borne by the individual (private contribution).
Types of Support Individual households or security offices in multi-family housing.
Installation Methods Mounted (e.g., balconies, verandas) or anchor type (e.g., roofs of security offices).
As of 2024, Busan City offers an 85% subsidy, with the individual paying 15% of the cost. The program's availability varies each year, so please check local government announcements for details.

Housing Support Program

This program provides subsidies from local governments or the Korea Energy Agency for households selected for renewable energy (solar power) housing support.

Busan Housing Support Program (2024)

Eligibility Single-family homes (owners or future owners of existing or new homes) with registered residence in Busan.
Support Criteria Subsidies based on the solar installation capacity (up to 3kW).
Government Subsidy 3.1 million KRW per household.

Korea Energy Agency Housing Support Program (2024)

Eligibility Single-family homes Owners or future owners of existing or new homes
Multi-family homes Representatives of existing multi-family dwellings or owners/representatives of residents in newly constructed multi-family homes
Support Criteria
(including VAT)
Module Type General Modules Low Carbon Modules
Single-family homes 2kW or below 921,000 KRW/kW 1,065,000 KRW/kW
2kW to 3kW 713,000 KRW/kW 836,000 KRW/kW
Multi-family homes 30kW/unit 657,000 KRW/kW 775,000 KRW/kW
The applicant's out-of-pocket costs will be determined according to the contract with participating companies (within the total project cost limit). Additional Busan City subsidy (including VAT, based on 2024).
Energy Source Support Type Subsidy Amount
Solar Power Single-family Homes 3kW or below General Module 1.2 million won
Low Carbon Module 1.25 million won
Solar power monthly generation: 351 kWh = 3 kW × 3.9 (average daily generation hours) × 30 days Average savings : 70,910 KRW (estimated amount)

Building Support Program

This program provides partial funding for installing renewable energy systems (solar power) in buildings or facilities for self-consumption. Its goal is to promote the use of renewable energy and support the adoption of new technologies.

  • Building Support Program : This applies to all buildings and facilities except residential buildings (under Article 21 of the "Regulation on Support for Renewable Energy Equipment," as announced by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy) and buildings/facilities owned or managed by local governments (under Article 26).
  • Pilot Projects : These involve applying technological outcomes to various types of housing, buildings, and related facilities or testing and applying renewable energy systems by installing new technologies on a trial basis for a certain period.
Category Support Scope Subsidy Support Unit Price
(Including VAT)
General Up to 100kW General Module 741,000 KRW/kW
Low Carbon Module 867,000 KRW/kW
Livestock and Animal Facilities General Module 849,000 KRW/kW
Low Carbon Module 999,000 KRW/kW
Subsidy Amount = Installed Capacity × Subsidy Unit Price
  • The solar power sector operates based on the principle of grid connection. Independent (storage) support is only available in areas not connected to the KEPCO grid, such as remote islands. (Energy storage systems are not eligible for support.)
  • The total subsidy amount for each project is calculated by applying the subsidy unit price to the requested capacity, with the amount rounded down to the nearest 10,000 KRW.
  • All applicants participating in the building support program must connect to the Renewable Energy Integrated Monitoring System (REMS). The cost of this support is additional and is not covered by the renewable energy facility subsidy.